So Much Modem Madness
So Much Modem Madness (Power User Software) (1993).ISO
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File List
278 lines
1000_QM.ZIP 2719 06-06-93 Customized Telix script for automatic
| up/downloading of .QWK and .REP mail packets
| via the Qmail mail door on 1000 BBS. It will
| will logon and then take you into the Qmail
| door, upload your .REP reply file and then
| delete it, and/or then "cycle" to the next
| command prompt and download your QWK packet
| file. Only 2 entries required.
315MOUSE.ZIP 2052 04-03-91 Telix 3.15 logitech mouse menu.
ABHOST11.ZIP 15111 05-25-92 Better Host 1.1: host program for Telix.
ALLSCRIP.ZIP 4894 06-07-93 ALL.SLT v2.2; Designed to help you to log on
| to any BBS. This script will not handle
| CompuServe. It only handles QuickBBS, OPUS,
| TBBS, GT-Power, PCBoard, MiniBBS
AP121.ZIP 96593 11-24-91 Autopuma - Telix script to add Bimodem,
| MPt/Puma, HS-Link, and DSZ/GSZ/SZmodem as
| auto-download protocols. Shows BBS name on
| status line, other minor features. Includes
| scripts for Bimodem, MPt, HS/Link and GSZ
| uploads and downloads.
AUTOD101.ZIP 3521 07-09-91 AutoDownload Telix Script for CRS v1.01; This
| SALT Script file continuously redials CRS
| until a connection is established. It then
| opens the file "FILES.DL" (which should
| contain a list of files to be downloaded),
| logs into the IBM conference, and Batch
| Downloads the files listed using ZModem.
AUTODL33.ZIP 12310 06-10-93 AUTODL v3.3; Telix v3.1x+ scripts for
| protocol initiated transfers. Adds the
| capability of auto-starting MPt, DSZ, TXZM,
| SZMODEM, GIFLINK, HS/Link and Hydracomm
| transfers to Telix 3.1x without having to
| configure the protocol yourself. You just
| tell AUTODL where your protocols are located,
| the rest is AUTOmatic!
AUTONAN.ZIP 3790 09-12-91 Telix SALT to automate mail transfers for
| PCBoard. This is a small but free subset of
| the features found in ACCESS/Liberator.
CPD110.ZIP 6034 02-23-91 CPDownload v1.10; Allows you to have an
| auto-download capibility (such as the one
| Telix provides for Zmodem), for any external
| protocol which supports AutoDL that you have
| installed in Telix.
CSP101.ZIP 24994 04-15-91 CSP (CS Preprocessor) uses the Microsoft C or
| QuickC compiler as a Telix SALT preprocessor,
| giving the SALT compiler conditional compile,
| include file, and macro capabilities.
CSS11.ZIP 31782 04-07-91 SIMPLE Salt Language for those who have had
| problems with Telix SALT scripting language.
CSSPCB.ZIP 994 02-01-91 PCBOARD.SIM; This is a sample SIMPLE script
| for logging on to a PCBoard based system. The
| logon questions are handled in any order, and
| optional prompts are ok.
DGU12.ZIP 11757 07-09-93 Telix script. Filetaging from disc and BBS.
| Loggin support etc.
DUATSCR.ZIP 1988 12-19-91 DUAT SCRIPT; This script will call the DUAT
| toll-free number and get the weather products
| you specify.
DWNTRKR4.ZIP 97011 11-19-91 The Download/Upload Tracker; Create a
| database list of downloads and uploads by BBS
| name with Date and Time from the Usage Logs
| of Telemate, Telix, or Qmodem.
ESPTLXSC.ZIP 1502 11-13-91 This Telix script makes logging-on to ESPBBS
| systems automatic.
EXHOST17.ZIP 169243 09-04-91 Executive Host v1.7 small home/office BBS for
| Telix.
FETCH10.ZIP 15078 07-30-91 NON-TSR Telix util to tag files for download.
FLAGIT1.ZIP 2207 06-12-91 FlagIt v1.0; make down loading files from a
| pcboard faster.
FLT.ZIP 7765 09-30-92 FON-file Lookup for TELIX. This is a program
| that quickly searches your TELIX dialing
| directory and spits out selected phone
| numbers. Lets you look up a number quickly,
| without calling up TELIX. Freeware.
GENIESCR.ZIP 697 08-04-91 This is a sample script for logging on to
| Genie.
H44FIX.ZIP 6803 04-10-91 Fix Host44 to run in Telix
HOST503.ZIP 247505 06-01-92 Host v.5.0: host/bbs system for Telix.
| 06/01/92.
HP100B1.ZIP 109897 03-01-91 Host+Plus 1.00 (Beta) is an enchanced Host
| Mode for Telix 3.12 which is more advanced
| than others, such as HOST44. It has a message
| base and multiple file sections, among others
| features.
HS_TLX32.ZIP 1924 08-25-93 Install HS/Link in TELIX 3.21
LSTCNV10.ZIP 193469 07-18-91 Convert: A program to convert 99% of all BBS
| listings to Telix and Telemate.
MAX_302D.ZIP 86172 09-13-91 MAX!BBS v3.02d; Telix BBS Package
MAX_SCPT.ZIP 2668 09-25-93 Telix script file for Maximus boards. It will
| logon and then take you into the off- line
| reader section, Upload your .REP reply file
| and then delete it, Download your new .QWK
| packet file and then return Telix to manual
| operation. Only name and .REP file
| location/name entries for this script are
| required. Instructions are in this file.
MDMCFG22.ZIP 20146 12-05-91 MODEMCFG.EXE program 2.02, a setup program
| for Telix version 3.xx. (2.00) Fixes problems
| with very fast or very slow systems, speech
| synthesis for the blind, problems with 38,400
| modems, and the writing of incorrect comm
| ports to the Telix.CNF file. Much more
| stable. Fixed last vestiges of timing
| problems with '486 systems. <Major> update!
| re- wrote comm routines, and cut memory usage
| by 2/3's. (2.01) Fixed scrolling bug. Allows
MPTTELIX.ZIP 2022 04-20-91 Lets Telix run mpt transfer protocol.
MPT_SLT.ZIP 2134 07-05-91 Couple of Telix SALT files, The first script
| MPT-SEND.SLT is for uploading files to a
| board. The second script MPT-REC.SLT is for
| downloading files from a board.
OT_COLOR.ZIP 8461 08-03-91 Ogle's Telix Colorizer V1.0; an overlay for
| the file TELIX.KEY which allows a Telix user
| to enter ANSI color messages and some ASCII
| Graphics while online to a BBS
PEPTOL15.ZIP 31566 03-26-91 Pep Tools: gives Telix new features.
PICKUP13.ZIP 16753 02-14-93 Pick-up 1.3 a script shell for Telix.
| 02/14/93.
POSTD13.ZIP 4853 03-11-93 POSTSCRIPT Ver. 1.3 Telix Script for handling
| RIME message transfers through POSTDOOR. This
| script file system has been written
| specifically to be used with ACCESS mail
| automation (or QMM) but I suppose it can be
| called by any automator under TELIX. Contains
| bug fixes and now deletes UPLOAD packets
| after a succesful mail upload. FREEWARE
RECORD20.ZIP 10072 07-25-93 TELIX - auto salt script writer, vers 2.0.
RELAY_MZ.ZIP 9046 05-19-91 Telix script modified for ProDoor Prompts &
| Modem Zone Language Prompt
SLRN_200.ZIP 46002 09-21-92 SLEARN (SALT Learn Utility) v2.00. Automatic
| script writer for Telix users. Automate
| logons, complete sessions, even up- and
| downloads (with registration). New version
| adds easier configuration, better support for
| non-standard serial ports, better ANSI
| emulation. A MUST!
SORTTLX.ZIP 37930 01-31-92 Move directory listing from one line to
| another without having to re-enter the
| listing. Beta ver. For Telix 3.xx only.
SPHM10.ZIP 206438 01-05-92 SALT Programming HyperText Manual v1.0
| context-sensitive help & tutorial for Telix
| v3.15 SALT scripts.
STEAL100.ZIP 6213 06-19-92 Telix 3.15 SALT script; Dump Telix screen to
| ANSI file with colors intact. Very handy for
| sysops. Free for non-commercial use.
SZ_TELIX.ZIP 2042 02-12-91 To install Super Zmodem in Telix, comes with
| Super Zmodem configuration
T320INC.ZIP 1027 12-13-92 Get rid of nag Screens At The Opening And
| Closing Of The Telix V3.20 Program. It Also
| Removes A Beg Telephone Number Displayed
| After Reading The Telix Configuration File.
T321U1.ZIP 236463 02-05-93 Telix Communications v3.21, *update* Fast,
| powerful, and easy to use. 12 file transfer
| protocols, 200 + modem setups, terminal
| emulation, dialing directory, 2 powerful
| script languages, scroll-back and BBS HOST
| mode, keyboard macros, new development team,
| many more new features. Maintenance release,
| containts only the files that have changed
| since v. 3.20.
T321U2.ZIP 199644 02-05-93 Telix Communications v3.21, *update* Host+
| BBS Host mode, BBS Installation
TELIXBAT.ZIP 905 09-01-91 BAT files and install for GSZ in Telix
TELIXCNF.ZIP 28219 03-05-92 Telix .MDM modem definition file for Zoom v32
| modem and others
TELIXDV.ZIP 1535 03-01-91 Hints on running Telix in Desqview.
TELIXRMC.ZIP 34241 04-24-92 Add sound to the opening screen of telix
TELIX_4.ZIP 1545 02-13-92 Information direct from Exis Inc. regarding
| the recent "appearance" of a version of Telix
| calling itself v. 4.25. This file contains
| the truth about the current versions of
| Telix. Please distribute this file as widely
| as possible. Exis Inc.
TFE_221.ZIP 74038 04-29-91 Telix fon editer v2.21, now updated for PCP
TFIG312E.ZIP 136798 03-15-91 Telix off-line tutorial. v3/91.
THELP.ZIP 7517 05-03-91 Telix scripts show how to call your own for
| CIS included.
TIMESET2.ZIP 2945 04-09-93 Telix SLT utility used to synch your PC's
| clock w/ that of the US Naval Observatory in
| Washington. Original version required
| operator intervention - this version can be
| run as an unattended event. Works like a
| champ! Requires TELIX.
TLX-SBK.ZIP 1773 02-07-93 Color Scrollback for Telix!
TLX3-WIN.ZIP 3603 03-23-92 Settings suggestions for the operation of
| Telix v. 3.15 under Windows 3.1, including a
| default recommended TELIX.PIF file, direct
| from Exis Inc. A 16550 UART chip is highly
| recommended for reliable Windows operation.
TLXBIN.ZIP 8639 05-16-93 TLX-BIN v1.00; Screen Capture Program Written
| For Use With TELIX v3.21. Non TSR.
| Automatically Names Files. Writes Files In
| (4000 Byte) BINARY Format.
TLXDIAL2.ZIP 14773 11-20-92 Dial - command line dialer for TELIX. Needs
| Telix 3.15 or compatible dialing directory.
TLXDIR01.ZIP 15379 05-27-92 Telix pop up dir for up-download directories.
TLXDLAXS.ZIP 4412 01-29-92 Two SALT scripts for fast batch downloading
TLXDSZ21.ZIP 3145 02-07-91 Auto download using external dsz Script v2.1.
TLXFON_F.ZIP 6759 07-25-91 TelixFON vF; Script for Telix
TLXJWPC5.ZIP 19325 10-11-91 Useful Telix 3.xx scripts.
TLXMSE.ZIP 2089 02-03-91 The best Logitech mouse menu for TELIX
TLXSPEED.ZIP 8516 07-26-91 Telix optimized init strings for speedmodems.
TLXSQR15.ZIP 179318 02-08-91 Telix SQUARE v1.5: scripts and utilities for
| Telix BBSing.
TLXSTUFF.ZIP 33301 02-15-93 Very useful stuff for Telix 3.15. 02/15/93.
TLXTFIG4.ZIP 269616 10-30-91 Telix manual/tutor on line & interactive.
| Great team effort
TLXTW109.ZIP 95764 06-01-93 Telix Scripts for Tradewars 2002; Powerful
| SALT scripts that help players perform
| repetitive tasks fast, efficient and
| effortlessly. Paired port trading scripts
| haggle prices to build experience fast. 5 xp
| steal/sell cycle! Corporation bust control
| support. Upgraded density scanner shows
| adjacent ports/busts.
TLXUTL10.ZIP 24130 01-25-91 A collection of Telix utilities.
TLXZMN11.ZIP 18884 06-26-92 Update to TLXZMENU.ZIP adds mouse control to
| TELIX. Best mouse menu for Telix.
TLX_PCB1.ZIP 3922 04-08-93 Telix pcboard script to create/update a 'log
| on' file, and a 'new files' listing.
TLX_SQ21.ZIP 232380 04-19-92 Telix_Square 2.1ß: automatic BBSing. This
| script/program makes bbsing easier. Tailor-
| made for PCBoard and MBBS systems. Telix Salt
| scripts are supplied with full source.
TMUSIC10.ZIP 9558 06-01-92 FutureFeature for Telix: Music Module
| Provides an ANSI music capability for Telix,
| as to enable Telix to interpet codes and play
| music in DOORs, etc. FT-Music is a Telix SALT
TM_301.ZIP 33386 10-16-92 Telix fon directory sort & move Utility
TOES114G.ZIP 56062 05-21-91 Telix script for Opus cards using Silver
| Express Mail doors.
TOMCHT25.ZIP 16819 11-14-91 TomChat v2.5; Fully configurable Telix
| chatmode that lets you use all Telix
| functions while in chat, scroll back thru
| your recent lines and recall them, make
| macros much more easily, without going to a
| special screen.
TSTLX11.ZIP 18951 12-28-92 A collection of Telix scripts & utilities
| from Prof. Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa,
| Finland
TX321FIX.ZIP 58067 10-13-93 Patch file for REGISTERED versions of Telix
| to correct undocumented dependencies in the
| 16550 UART. In some cases, the 16550 FIFO
| would not be turned off when exiting Telix,
| causing problems in other software, such as
| Prodigy or certain fax software. This patch
| is direct from the Telix authors, but won't
| work on the unregistered versions of Telix.
TXMDM205.ZIP 13309 02-26-92 TELIX.MDM (2.05) file for MODEMCFG.EXE (2.02)
| setup program for Telix version 3.xx. 2.03
| adds: Zoom v.32 (fix 2.05), ViVa v.32 (fix
| 2.04), v.32 Incomm. Fixes: Forval (2.03),
| Microcom v.32 (2.03), and ViVa 24m (2.03).
| This fix is already contained in TLX315-2.ZIP
| on the Exis BBS, but may not be in the .ZIP
| files on other systems. Ask your sysop to
| obtain current files from 416-439-9399 HST/DS
TXMDM221.ZIP 24731 02-05-93 Telix modem setup v. 2.21. 02/05/93.
TXSWP121.ZIP 25686 05-19-91 TxSwp; The Telix Application Swapper
UKBBTELB.ZIP 25162 01-01-91 List of United Kingdom BBS's in Telix format.
USATLX01.ZIP 2683 06-24-91 Telix Script file for reading USATODAY door.
| Will automatically read and capture all 19
| files from the USATODAY door
USCRIPT.ZIP 3207 02-20-93 Universal script file for Telix.
USRLST13.ZIP 16081 07-10-91 USERLIST v1.3; Written for Executive Host (c)
| to list your registered users in both ASCII
| and ANSI bulletins.
VSTR10.ZIP 2183 09-10-91 Telix script that logs you onto CIS, then
| VESTORE, grabs stock info and then logs you
| off. Time saving script.
XH100B.ZIP 95052 07-03-93 Xhost v1.0; Host Mode for Telix
XHOST30S.ZIP 185444 10-14-93 Run a full featured BBS with this TELIX
| script. Supports 10000 users, 100 Doors and
| 1000 conferences. Registered version supports
| user designed ANSI and ASCII screens and
| menus. Mail doors are available.